Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting



Start time / End time

10:30 AM – 1:30 PM


Elite International School


Juanichi Ulanday, Nomer Cenil, Ramil Sumile, Roger Nachor (President)


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Responsible / Time

Control of the official list of learners (students) and list ofCluster Course Completion Certificates.

Observations: multiple complaints were received that certain individuals received Comsofil’s Completion Certificates without undergoing cluster courses.

Proposal by BOT Juanichi:

  1. The external auditor will validate 2 documents generated by the Operations Team, OLOSE (Official List of Students Enrolled) and Official List of Cluster Course Completion Certificates (OL4C). These documents once validated will be locked and only the BOTs or the external auditor can edit.
  2. All Cluster Course Completion Certificates (4C) shall be generated online. The repository of all 4Cs shall be ONLY on the website with proper access control. There shall be NO offline copies, NO local computer copies.
  3. Functionality of online 4C:
    • Members, upon login to the website, shall see their corresponding certificate(s) and be able to download them.
    • Any potential employers may search the website for either 4C numbers or a member’s name, and the website will respond if valid or not. –> next candidate for automation.
  4. Starting in 2025, all 4Cs shall be distributed via digital means only, with no printed copies. Printing of 4C if requested by members shall be chargeable – the member shall pay a certain amount if he/she wants a printed 4C (cluster course completion certificate).

Agreement: All Trustees agreed on the proposal and will create a BOT Resolution effective immediately.

BOT Juanichi to draft the Resolution for approval

Official cluster codes & description

The President has presented the official cluster codes and description.  Each cluster code will be used for the certificate number of 4C.

For info

Schedule of Cluster contributions

The President has presented the schedule of contributions of each cluster course including various discounts which are already implemented for the 2nd semester 2024.

  • Contribution amount of each cluster course
  • 54% discount for officers and facilitators for any cluster course,
  • 38% discount for dependents of officers or facilitators,
  • 38% discount for scholars of Trustees,
  • 100 SAR per learner as honorarium of each facilitator and the corresponding equipment rental or workshop rental for special clusters, if applicable.

The Trustees have approved the above.

BOT Juanichi to draft the Resolution for approval

KPIs of the Board of Directors

The President has presented the KPIs of each Board of Directors.  These KPIs have been discussed and agreed upon by all Directors.  Each Director has its monthly KPI grouped into teams:

  1. Attendance is 60%
    • divided into each Friday
  2. Tasks accomplishment: 25%
    • divided into each task as per By-Laws and Policies
  3. Special tasks: 15%
    • these are tasks not related to their responsibility or mandate
    • if the officer has performed any special task, the president will automatically give 15% to avoid complaints

The maximum monthly honorarium for each Director is 500 SAR.  However, this will not be given to each Director due to the following as agreed by the majority of BODs:

  • current situation of not having enough funds
  • directors have not filled-up and submitted their KPI

As such and agreed by the majority of Directors, everyone will just receive 50 SAR as transportation per Friday and is deductible upon submission and calculations of the KPIs.

As per the President, it is assumed that no one will be able to receive the maximum amount because all are at fault of not performing their duties and responsibilities as per the assigned KPIs.

The current practice has been approved the BOTs for adoption on 2025 onwards for all chapter. 

BOT Juanichi to draft the Resolution for approval