PC-Tech-2 (Computer Support Technician)

A Computer Technician is a professional who is tasked with maintaining computer systems, troubleshooting errors, and repairing the organization’s hardware. These professionals use their knowledge in networking and software applications to provide technical support for both employees and customers onsite or remotely.
Computer technicians are typically responsible for software and hardware maintenance, installations, and repairs.
Computer Technicians typically work for corporations within the IT department to set up, maintain and repair computer systems for employees across departments. They work closely with other IT personnel to troubleshoot hardware problems and install new equipment. Their job is to use their knowledge of computers to ensure that company employees have up-to-date hardware and software to complete their jobs properly. They may also be responsible for helping company employees learn how to use software programs and hardware.
On a typical day, a Computer Technician starts by checking their email and voicemail to see if there are any maintenance requests from company employees. They take inventory or tools, hardware devices and other supplies that help them complete installations and repairs. Throughout the day, they carry out scheduled maintenance of computer systems and networks in various departments. During downtime in their office, they remain on call for any urgent maintenance requests. They may also use this time to create how-to documents regarding topics like file storage and preventing bugs. They then send these documents to all members of the company.
“Commit yourself to lifelong Learning. The most valuable asset you will ever have is your mind and what you put into it.”

– Albert Einstein –

Don’t miss this one of a kind opportunity.


PC-TECH-2Instructor - PC-TECH-2 (Computer Support Technician)