Another new set of officers is coming!

The Board of Trustees has conducted last Friday 3-December-2021 orientation for the candidates running for the 2022 Board of Directors.  It is a yearly exercise for the candidates to know about the Society’s election, the Board of Directors (BOD) and the Board of Trustees (BOT), and how the election will be performed.

Comsofil election is held during the general assembly which coincides with the 2nd semester’s graduation of clusters.  Active members of the Society will cast their votes by choosing only 16 among the 20+ candidates.  The top 16 candidates who gathered the most votes will be declared the next Board of Directors for the next year.  And this year’s election and graduation is scheduled on 17-December-2021.

With last year’s start of Comsofil’s Digital Transformation Journey, the candidates were allowed by the BOTs to campaign thru digital means – thru our FB group page and FB business page, including of course this website!

This year is unique because it will be the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic that we will resume conducting the event physically in the school.  It is even more unique because it will be online voting which will eliminate the manual counting of ballots!  Yes, members shall submit their ballots online in this website!  This will give chance to active members who are not physically present at the school to vote.  By the way, last year’s election was the first ever conducted online.

See you all in the graduation and election!  And good luck to all candidates!