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A day in Cisco Cluster at COMSOFIL…


I’m glad that you have time now to fulfil your dream to become an IT Network Engineer. This time, you did a best decision to upgrade your career goals.

I did this book for you to understand the basic concepts of Cisco Networking. You may use it as your stepping stone to enhance your knowledge on Networking. The lessons that you will learn from every module will definitely give you interest and appreciate the importance in learning networking.

Learning Cisco Networking is one of the best foundations for your career in the field of Information Technology. Small, big or large companies are using cisco devices for their IT Infrastructures because in terms of security, performance, quality of service and management, Cisco Networking Devices are always on the top rank among other manufacturers.

To start with this course, the best step that you have to do is to start from the very basic. Begin with the theory, be more familiar about the models and layering, rules and protocols. I’m sure a lot of questions have been mingling in your mind. Interest and eagerness of knowing about it, read more and I suggest you to watch videos as well from internet to give you additional knowledge about the topics. Then, proceed to the main goals of this course which is all about Cisco Networking.

Learning is time consuming, time will never ever come back. Make it worth. Never waste it. Focus on every minute of your study. Resources are available from internet. Don’t stop. The moment you stop, it is the moment that you will lose your concentration. So, don’t get tired. Finish it.

“Never stop learning. Learn something new every day.”  Start today because tomorrow is another day that will give you something new. Plan your goals, then, put a check on what have you achieved today and tomorrow. Remember “today, tomorrow and another day will never be the same”.

Be a part of Network Engineers’ team…this is just the beginning of your career as an IT Professional.

Good Luck! Enjoy it!